Are you interested in a friendly game of bowls?
Then why not pop along to our informal sessions on a Tuesday and Saturday mornings at 11:00 am.
Are you a bowling novice? Then take a look at this in-depth Guide to Crown Green Bowling for Beginners to find out about the basics of playing the game, the rules and a number of useful tips.
On the 29th June we'll once again host the popular Jean Potts Memorial Bowls Competition for Mixed Pairs. This trophy competition attracts teams from all around the area. Everyone is welcome to take part, to watch, to enter the British Heart Foundation charity raffle or just sample the Club's refreshments.
On a warm and sunny August afternoon we played host to a visiting team from the WESTLANDS BOWLING CLUB from Newcastle, Staffordshire in a competitive but friendly round-robin format pairs bowling competition.
The visiting team eventually came out as winners with 162 points against our 137 points, but everybody agreed it was a very successful event with the warm sunshine and new seats/tables/umbrellas around the green adding to the spectator's enjoyment.
Special thanks to Ian Carter, who plays for both teams in the league, partner Julie for organising the event and Victor, who provided the attached photographs (see below). Also a big thank you to Club Steward Richard plus daughter Rachel for ensuring that nobody suffered from dehydration and for the very tasty buffet they prepared.
We look forward to gaining our revenge against Westlands at a return fixture hopefully sometime next season...Pictu
The Veterans Bowling players recently held their Christmas dinner to mark the end of the season. Below is a picture of the dinner plus a montage of the 2016 season (both taken by Brian Smith).
Pop along to the Club on Wednesday 28th September at 7:00 pm to see our A Team and B Team compete in our annual Presidents Cup bowling competition. Plus there'll be buffet and beers at the end.
Club members who played for our two Veterans Bowling Teams (Wednesday and Friday afternoons) recently held an informal drinks and buffet event to mark the end of the season. Thanks go to the two captains, Fred and Bert, who organised the event and for all their efforts in an enjoyable and quite successful season for both teams. There's a Vets photo below (which is missing Tony Fogarty, Syd Kennerley, Martin Mullen and Brian Smith - who took the photo).
We're delight to announce the recent Kevin Shackleton Memorial Bowls Day raised £500 for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity. Club member Brian Smith took a few photos of gloriously sunny event day, as shown below.
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